
Funding for the Via Center Programs and Its Community Needs Outreach Services

The Via center is not a city-funded Center, as other Centers in our community are.  Via is a private, non-profit entity and receives only a small portion (22%) of its funding from the City of Mobile. That support is much needed and appreciated, but the majority of our funding comes through competitive grants, performance contracts, special event income and donations from area businesses and individuals.

Our funding efforts support the health, fitness and enrichment programs onsite at the Via Center, and also funds our Community Needs Outreach Division Services.  These special programs are income-based and serve Seniors and their families in both urban and rural areas: GrandFriends Adult Daycare; drive-through community food distributions; transportation; Information & Assistance; the Neighbor-to-Neighbor check in service; outreach to Senior income-based housing; Veterans programs; onsite cafeteria (Dauphin Street Cafe'); intergenerational programs; and the Volunteer Guardian Program.

We work hard at the Via Center to keep membership fees low.  Thank you to all of our members and volunteers who work to support the Center.

Professional Affiliations

Area Agency on Aging
City of Mobile
probate court
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