Get Involved!
Unlike other senior centers in our area, the Via Center is a private, non-profit organization. We receive only a small part of our funding from the public sector. We must generate our own income to provide programs and community outreach services for the more than thousands of seniors and community users we serve each year.
Our 42,000 square-foot facility has on-going capital needs.
Please consider assisting us with these needs.
In-kind donations of equipment, materials and supplies and labor are welcomed!

GrandFriends Adult Daycare Upgrades
Parking Lot Improvements
Cafeteria Upgrades
Did you know that Via receives only a small portion of it funding from the City of Mobile?
That support is much needed and appreciated, but the majority of our funding comes through competitive grants, performance contracts, special event income, and donations from area businesses and individuals. We work hard to keep our membership fees low, so help us keep Via vibrant and growing. Via is YOUR Center and we need support from our members and partners to maintain the facility and pay for program and class costs.